How do we impact and sustain adaptability and flexibility among adult learners in these dynamic times? Adult educators must consider how to reshape the integration of the contextualized aspects of adult learners and adult education, to remain part of this transformational movement of continuous engagement and creating better programs even as the urgency of the past two years starts to fade.
His title investigates the history, philosophy, and major themes of andragogy and how they may contribute to helping practitioners to design and facilitate adult and organizational learning. The book presents more than 500 documents that are examined through two different lenses. View his pre-conference sessions below:
Session 1: "Celebrating the influence of Knowles’ Andragogy on Clinton Anderson and Military [Army] Education: A Tribute"
Monday, October 10th 1:55 pm-2:15 pm CDT.
Session 2: "Digging into an International Adult Education Andragogy Epistemological Foundation: Four Variations of Caring (Dealing Bountifully)"
Monday, October 10th 2:35 pm-2:55 pm CDT.
The mission of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) is to provide leadership for the field of adult and continuing education by expanding opportunities for adult growth and development; unifying adult educators; fostering the development and dissemination of theory, research, information, and best practices; promoting identity and standards for the profession; and advocating relevant public policy and social change initiatives.
About Dr. John Arthur Henschke
Dr. John Arthur Henschke Ed.D., is Professor and Chair of the Andragogy Doctoral Emphasis Specialty, Instructional Leadership Doctoral Program, Lindenwood University. He was on the faculty at the University of Missouri for 39 years until 2009; and, has now served on the faculty at Lindenwood University for seven years, John served as 2014 and 2015 Board Chair of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (IACEHOF); is a Visiting Professor of the Beijing Radio and Television University, Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC); Past President of the Missouri, USA / Para, Brazil Partners of the Americas, Inc.; Past President of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), also Chairing the Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of AAACE. John has been researching and testing his adult learning (andragogical) ideas in the USA and 20 countries around the world since 1970 (e.g., Canada, Brazil, England, Hong Kong, Italy, Austria, Taiwan, Egypt, South Africa, Jordan, Cyprus, Slovenia, Germany, Thailand, China, Australia, Mali in Western Africa, etc.); and has worked with adult educators and human resource development professionals in academia and the corporate world from 97 countries.
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Emma Baronak
(717) 533-8845 ext. 183